Thursday, July 3, 2014

8 Simple Ways To Manage Opposing Feelings

Have you ever felt like screaming your brains out? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? Exhausted? Drained? All of the above? I am sure you have! We are all humans and these are some of the many hurdles that we go through in life. Well I have felt these feelings and they are not ones I like dealing with. We all have responsibilities, obligations and goals we need to accomplish daily, monthly and yearly. Some of them may be difficult than others, but all can burn you out and knock you down to the floor!
I, throughout the years have found myself CLEANING like a crazy to temporarily relieve the tension that builds within me. So when you ever visit me at my home and it's BLEACHED OUT...I had those moments ;-) I came across an article about parenting and dealing with a toddler's anger. As I read the eight points of what a parent needs to do, I had an aha moment. These are the same suggestions we can do for ourselves when we are having these gloomy feelings! 

"8 Simple Ways to Manage Opposing Feelings"
  1. Pray, Meditate. or Seek for inspiration.  I pray every-day for guidance so that I can know how to be a wonderful wife and mother. I also read my scriptures to help me understand who I am, God's plan for me and my family and what I need to do to receive those blessings. Having the hardest part of the day, saying a quick prayer in my heart will calm me down and give me the patienceI need for the day.
  2. Recognize that only YOU can control your own feelings. Be positive and set limits if you have to. For example, you can not control other peoples attitude and the way they see things, but you can control how you will respond to them. 
  3. Choose to look for the good. Focusing on the things that others do to annoy will be even more frustrating. Try avoiding those thoughts, and be grateful!
  4. Spend time with family & friend who are SUPPORTIVE. When the day seems like it is going downhill, go spend time with a friend or a family member. Just that time you spend with them will uplift your spirit and you will get a different perspective on how you deal with things. Or if they are too far from you, call them or send them a HELPS...a lot!
  5. Ask for HELP! As easy as this may sound, it is not at all. I have the hardest time asking for help. The reason for this is that I feel like my duties need to be fulfilled on my own and asking for help from others, even from my own spouse is not allowed. But when I do ask Ethan for help and he actually does it willingly, it changes the spirit of our home and everyones HAPPY!
  6. Get plenty of SLEEP and EAT well. This is a hard one for me. Laien still wakes up at least twice a night on a good day! But most of the time I wake up every hour because he is out of his swaddle and is scratching. My lack of sleep causes me to crave for sweets to keep my sanity from erupting. But I have seen how my lack of sleep and unhealthy eating affects my state of mind.
  7. Exercising regularly. I am the worst when it comes to this and I need to do something about it! I have made a goal to wake up early in the morning to run. I know as I do this, I will set my whole attitude for the day. I miss being a missionary cause that was a part of the schedule :'(
  8. Last and most important: Give yourself a TIME OUT! I thought this was meant for Laien and Raskullz ;-P But I guess I need my time outs too. Removing myself from the situation. I have noticed that when Laien throws a tantrum because he doesn't get what he wants and I walk away from a couple of minutes the outburst he had usually subsides. I have made it a goal that when these feelings occur, I will take the TIME OUT so I could calm down and be able to deal with the situation much better. 
I am excited to work on these specific steps daily so I can have better days. This checklist will definitely help me to be a better daughter, wife, mother and friend. I invite you to try it too and let me know by commenting below your experiences. I will too! Have a happy positive day :)

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