Friday, July 4, 2014

4th of July Fun

Lately, I don't really get too excited for holidays. Gosh! A lot changes when you get married and have a child. Or maybe its just us? Lame! So for holidays we usually go to my sisters for food, hang out a little and then call it a night! So I was thinking this year will be the usual. But when the missionaries asked if we had any plans for the 4th? My response was a quick. NO! They were surprised with the answer I gave them because they were probably expecting me to say something else other than just no. They must have thought we were such a boring family! As they reluctantly asked if they could come over for the 4th since they had no dinner, I got excited all of a sudden. I think I am just realizing how much I enjoy the company of others and love cooking for people. I started planning it out the week before and I was looking forward to it.
So we decided to do our shopping on July 4th since we didn't get a chance to the day before. Bad idea! As we were ready to check out, an announcement was made that their computer was down. CHAOS!!! So a quick thirty minute shopping ended up being a couple hours longer :( This just messed up my whole schedule and the plan that I have prepared for the day was ruined. But we did not let this one hiccup of the day, destroy our 4th of July. We revised our plan as a family and made it work!

But before dinner we did some DIY's for the 4th and it was so much fun.

I painted my nails!

Laien made his own shirt.

Already dipping his hands in the paint...

Daddy had to come and help!!!

It was messy but fun :D

This was the difficult part :/

But with daddy's help we nailed it! 
And I had to finish the rest.

I had so much fun taking pictures of this hot stud of ours.

But he would not stay still...he had FUN too :D

**I am a little sad that we did not take a family picture. It is just so hard to get Ethan
to do pictures. SMH**
The missionaries came and helped with dinner after our family fun :)

Sister Keavali on the grill!

Sister Hancock modeling...
I don't have one of her
in the kitchen :( But she 
made the potato salad and it was delish!

We were enjoying our patriotic 
drink while waiting on the food!

Dinner served :)
We kept it simple...
Fried rice, potato salad BBQ chicken & hot dog.

Then enjoyed a yummy treat right after.
Gluten-free chocolate cake with
gluten-free cream cheese frosting!
Topped with strawberries and blue berries :D

Watching the Fireworks! 

Then there were too many mosquitoes 
so we had to watch from inside.

He had to eat again...
It was late too! 

Raskullz was too scared he
just wanted to be held. Yea, he thinks
his a lap dog!

And that's how we celebrated our 4th. Happy Birthday America :) We are blessed to live in a land that affords such freedom and opportunity, and that is protected by such brave men and women. 

Hope you all had a wonderful 4th!!!

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