Monday, June 2, 2014

DIY Make-Up Remover

I like the idea of making my own household products such as laundry detergent, hand soap or cleaning supplies. I am not quiet there yet, but soon I will find the time to accomplish this goal of mine. In the meantime, I have managed to make my own make-up remover. I don't wear make-up every single day so it has lasted a while now. More importantly, it is cheap and very easy to make. This is just one of the many different ways to make your own make-up remover. Pinterest is a great site to look up Make-Up Remover DIY's.

Following are what you will need:

Put everything in a jar, cover jar and shake to mix everything together. 

Shake before each use. I usually dip a cotton ball and use it to scrub my face.

After using this DIY, my face was not only clean. It was so soft and smooth. I love that it is cost-effective, easy and does not have all kinds of chemicals in it. Here is a before and after picture:

 DIY Make-Up Remover

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