Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Day We Will Cherish Forever...

Two years ago I returned home from my mission really not knowing what to do with my life. I guess I was just not ready to come home :( I wanted to go back to school and was planning on attending BYU Hawaii so I could be closer to home. So that was the only plan I had in mind. But Heavenly Father has a plan for all of His children and He definitely had one already prepared for me.
Before I left for my mission I was kinda maybe dating Ethan. I say this because I was a little unsure of what we had...if we were actually dating? just friends? or "just kicking it!" (<---that's Ethan's description of it back then) He was in Utah so focused with trying to finish school and I had a life called, "WORK". He was four hours away in a different state so a long distance relationship was impossible! But he traveled to Grand Junction A LOT and whenever he was in town we would hang out. I finally asked him one day because I was starting to wonder where we were in our relationship. And when I asked him he responded with a "oh we're just kicking it." I really liked him though and thought he was cute. But when a guy says that to you that means he is not too interested, he just wants to hang out whenever his around. Well that's the kind of vibe I got after that conversation. From that point on, I just assumed we were friends and that's it. But according to Ethan, we were dating! I am sure Ethan will give you his own version of the story...because he claims that he actually asked me out on a date and I brought my cousin to our date! Does not make any sense...but to me, what I've shared above is how it all happened :D
This is Ethan's favorite pic of us! Maybe because it was at
Chuckee Cheese--where we had most of our dates!
My favorite pic! A trip we took to was FUN :D
        Last trip we took to Utah before I left for my mish!!!          We were inseparable when we were able to see each other :)
                                  Good times :)
Our last pic before I left him for 18 months! It was hard for both of us,
but Ethan made it so easy for me. He was the greatest support I had!
I think we were talking and "kicking it" whenever he comes to town for work-- sometimes I don't think he came for work...haha! And we did this for a year and a half. I then decided I was going on a mission so I started preparing for it! (At this time, it was very clear that we were DATING! LOL)
But I was pretty straight forward with Ethan that nothing is going to stop me and going on a mission is something that I have always wanted to do. So when I made that decision I had to do it NO MATTER WHAT! Ethan said he will wait, but I was pretty straightforward with him that he can date and do whatever he wants. Well, Ethan like me is a man of his words. When he made that decision to wait for me, he sure did with every ounce of his body. We wrote each other on and off, but communicating through letters was hard. A lot changed in those eighteen months so coming back home, I did not know what to expect from him. Because of his persistence and determination, we were reunited once again. And just six weeks later (a whole transfer), Ethan proposed. When I bring this up to Ethan of how I have only been home for a month and a half and he proposed! His response is simply, "You snooze, you loose!"
The night I came home he took me to my favorite restaurant. It was Valentine's Day too!

Our favorite spot together. Where he got on his knees and proposed!
He liked it so he put a ring on it :)
A lot of my friends and families were shocked of how quick everything was going, especially my side of the family. I was on a mission for a a year and half and lost contact with basically everyone and got home and was engaged to a guy named Ethan that most of my family haven't even met. They must have thought I was crazy! But I felt good about it and through constant prayer, it was just the right thing to do. We had so much FUN taking our engagement pictures at where Ethan proposed. The following are a few of my favorites :)
Our photographer was so good at what she does. We were so happy and had a lot of fun!
The view was just beautiful!
And we were ecstatic that we will be with each other FOREVER!
Three months later we were sealed for time and eternity at the Laie Hawaii Temple. It was a day I will cherish forever! I have been blessed with an amazing husband that I get to spend my whole life and eternity with. It was a beautiful sunny hot day in Laie, Hawaii and we were both so happy that we have made promises with each other, but most importantly with the Lord. It was the best day of our lives!!!
WE. DID. IT!!! 
My E.A.J :D
His forever <3
Our amazing family that made our day extra special! We love you all...
Concluded the photo shoot at the Laie Point and ended the night
with delicious food and a great memorable time with families!!!
A day we will cherish forever...
Last Sunday was 06.22.14-- it was our two year anniversary! And guess what? I totally forgot all about it? How could I? I felt so stupid when my mother wished me Happy Anniversary. I embarrassingly thanked her then walked away thinking..."Oh my gosh Ree! You have only been married two-years and you're already forgetting your anniversary-_-" Epic fail! I am assuming Ethan forgot about it too because he did not say anything about it. But he was very sick so he stayed in bed whole day :( I would have done the same if I had what he was coming down with. So we ended up celebrating our two year anniversary the next day. I am so mad at myself I did not take any pictures :( So the following pictures  is a summary of what we did. We had so much fun :)
He took me to a movie. One of my favorite movie
is "50 First Dates" so when I saw the preview of 
this new movie they did together, I was so excited!
Ethan pays good attention to what I tell he took me :)
Dinner at my favorite restaurant! He is sooo good to me :D
Then we came home to this trouble maker who was
picking out our couch cushion with the help of Raskullz.  -_-
We ended the night with a new tradition that I thought of and hopefully we can do it every year. As I was reflecting back on these past two years I was surprised at how much has happened. We have experienced a lot in just two years and we are very blessed for all that we've received from the Lord. We have been able to express some of these blessings to each other, but there are also some that we haven't had the chance to. Life can get hectic and other important priorities can get in the way that at times we miss an opportunity to share our thoughts and feelings to one another. It is sad that I am now just realizing this, but you know what? It's okay...It's called LIFE! So I decided I'd write Ethan a letter and just give him an update of how my two years have been, what he has done these past two years that I love and enjoy and the things that we should both try and be better at. I asked him to write me a letter too! (He still hasn't written me one...SMH! Hopefully one day this won't ever be a problem again. *fingers crossed*)
<3 The L.O.V.E Letter's <3
My letter to Him <3
His Letter to Me <3 
I have this enormous love for the date June 22nd! Not only was I sealed to the love of my life two years ago for time and eternity...I was also confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints six years ago. Is it coincidence? Was it meant to be the way it is? I am not sure and I can't explain how it all happened on the very same date. But all I know is I will forever cherish this date. I am tremendously blessed and who I am today because of these two significant events that has happened in my life. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Eczema Struggles

Eczema (also called atopic dermatitis) is a skin rash that usually appears before age 5. In babies it tends to show up on the cheeks and scalp, but it may spread to the arms, legs, chest, or other parts of the body. After a child's first year, it's most likely to show up on the insides of the elbows, the backs of the knees, the wrists, and the ankles, but it can also appear elsewhere.
The rash might look like dry, thickened, scaly skin, or it might be made up of tiny red bumps that ooze or become infected if scratched. Scratching can also cause thickened, darkened, or scarred skin over time.
Eczema typically comes and goes. It isn't contagious, but because it's intensely itchy, it can be very uncomfortable, and scratching can be a problem. If untreated, the rash can be unsightly, so it may present a social challenge for a child, too.
Your doctor can diagnose eczema by examining your child's skin. He may send you to a dermatologist for confirmation and treatment. (From

Now that baby center has helped me explain what eczema is, let me share with you some of the experiences and the great adventure we have taken as a family. Laien was a healthy perfect baby when he was born. The only one thing he had was a little jaundice and we had to stay at the hospital for an extra day. But other than that he was fine even for weighing just 5 lbs. 14 ounces. 

Ethan and I were in love with him and enjoyed every moment with this precious blessing of ours. I love how pure and wholesome he is on this picture above. At four months Laien started having rashes on his arms, legs and face. He also had red bumps on his face and forehead. At his four month appointment with his doctor, we were told it was a combination of baby acne and heat rash. These were normal and it should clear up in a couple of weeks. Two weeks passed and his rashes were still the same and was all over his body. The itching started and he had red patches all over his face and body. A month later, we were told the same thing and because we lived in an area where it is very dry we should keep lathering him up with aquaphor-- an ointment for dry and itchy skin. 

Ethan and I got frustrated with our many hospital visits because they were becoming pointless. As new parents with very limited knowledge it becomes very discouraging when the doctors didn't seem to have answers for us. We went from one to multiple doctors hoping for answers and hope, but each time we left the doctor's office greatly disappointed. We felt helpless and it was even more heartbreaking that there was absolutely nothing we can do for our poor baby. As a mother, your instincts will definitely let you know if your child needs more attention. Ethan was concerned to so we both started seeking for answers on the world wide web. I am  truly grateful for Ethan and the time he spent doing research so we could know how best to help our sweet Laien. I read so many articles, blogs and spent a lot of my time on gathering every information I could find. After days of reading and researching, we came to find out that Laien had a really bad eczema! It was not just heat rash nor baby acne. When the itching started, we had several episodes where his face, arms and legs were all bleeding due to scratching. We had a few incidents where we would walk in to our room to check on him only to walk back out with a bleeding child. I would run out frantically screaming! It was not what you would want to see as a parent. These open wounds from scratching would start a skin infection. And when this happens he would need treatment quickly because if not there's a fat chance we will get staph infection. Ethan had one that got really bad he needed medical attention. He was not  happy at all :(

His face all scratched up!

Car seat rides. (By the way, and that's how we're dressed when dad is babysitting!)
Because of his continuous scratching, he needed to be swaddled at all times. This was saddening because he couldn't do belly time nor have his hands free to play with. His car seat ride were not normal either. He needed to be wrapped and strapped! I am sure a lot of you were wondering why he had socks on his hands at all times. (I got this question all the time when I would post his pictures on Facebook.) Other's questioned why he was always wrapped up when it was 70+ degrees out. (I am sure most people thought I was a crazy mom!) Well we really had no choice and it was the only method we had to prevent our child from getting another skin infection. We basically tried everything we were told to do but we didn't see any improvements. Finally we switched doctors from a family doctor to a pediatrician. We are glad we did! This time she was able to give us great tips and recommendations that seemed to have helped Laien a little. She advised us to do wet wraps with him since his skin was so dry. This was very uncomfortable for him and he did not like it at all! Below is a picture of what he had to put up with every night. 

This became our daily routine...not fun at all!!
We would put a wet onesie and then another dry onesie over the wet one, swaddle him up and wrap his face with a wet gauze. Imagine that?! I would be miserable if I had to do this every night for bed. Who wants to sleep through the night with wet clothes? It was hard watching our cute boy struggle day and night with this horrible illness. At six months we suggested that his doctor refer us to an allergy doctor in town. He got tested for the top eight food allergies and a dog test just to make sure since we had Raskullz. He did really good as they pricked his back and examined his skin. Twenty minutes later, we received a news we were dreading to hear! As disappointing and disheartening it was, we were also glad we now knew what else was causing these horrible skin rashes! He was allergic to five foods out of the eight top food allergies he was tested for: milkeggswheatsoy and peanuts! Dog test was a negative so we still kept Raskullz :D

A picture of him after the allergy test. 

We came home and I had to make some changes with my diet! I eliminated all of the food he was allergic to from my diet. We also put him on a $60 dollar can formula that was made specifically for babies with allergies. After a few weeks, his rashes were still the same, in fact it got so bad that he had to get back to my breast milk. Thank heavens  for breast pumps! I was pumping and storing while he was on the formula so I did not loose any milk supply. It was hard being on this strict diet too because all these food he was allergic to were in EVERYTHING. Gluten-free foods still had either milk, eggs and or soy. It was a big challenge that I had to endure as well. There were times I cried my heart out because I felt I was running out of options and there was nothing else I could do. It is like trying to get out of a huge corn maze...dead ends after dead ends! 
The next six months were very depressing and stressful for our family. But we did the best we could. We did wet wraps, tried all kinds of creams, diets and made several visits to the doctor's office. The doctor visits became very annoying and a waste of our time (we thought). We were told the same things each time. The following are some of the statements that were said:

"Eczema is a hard one and all you can do is to try different things to see what works for your baby?" (Well I have tried all kinds of things...NOTHING WORKED, are you even listening?)
"You should move somewhere humid!" (As much as I wanted to believe this, I didn't anymore since most of the things they've asked us to do didn't change anything)
"Get back on the formula." (After we've tried a few times. Seriously?)
"I am sorry I wish there was more we could do. But don't worry, he will outgrow it once he is older." (I'm sure he will, but we are talking about right NOW!)
I know that I was so discouraged and I felt like I have failed as a mother. I came to a point where I was not looking forward to his appointments and or his doctor visits. Then his pediatrician referred us to see a gastrointestinal specialist and to visit the National Jewish Health. We were pretty desperate at this time and agreed to try them out. But while we were waiting to be seen she had prescribed Laien the same kind of steroid (Triamcinolone Acetonide), this time in an ointment form. He was also prescribed an allergy medicine (Hydroxyzine) to take once every night to help with his itching. For the first time in  awhile we were seeing a huge improvement. Laien's skin was so clear after a day and he was able to have his hands free. It was a happy moment for us just to see him be able to play like a normal baby. This was shortly after his first birthday so it was the greatest birthday gift for Laien. 

Our car seat rides are how its supposed to be!
We can go for walks without being wrapped up when it is hot out!
Its been nice seeing him sleep like a normal baby.
But now he gets into EVERYTHING...

These past two weeks we have been traveling to Denver for his appointments with the specialists. The first week we went in to see a GI doctor. We were hoping to get answers regarding his gastroenteritis and if he had any bacterial toxins or viral infections we should know about. Because his skin has cleared up so much and from all the information the doctor gathered, Laien did not seem to have any problems. But he suggested we do some stool testings. Great! I am looking forward to it:-P NOT! His other appointment was with the National Jewish Health which is known worldwide for treatment of patients with respiratory, cardiac, immune and related disorders, and for groundbreaking medical research. They specialize in asthma and eczema so we were so excited for this one. Again, his skin was so clear there was nothing much the doctor could do. But the same suggestions that we were already aware of were discussed. We took another allergy skin test and a blood test. 

His One Year Skin Allergy Test

The picture above was his skin allergy test. He got tested for the same food that he was tested for the very first time. Again, he was a champ and endured all the poking, pricking and stress....even with impetigo-- a type of staph infection that he had all over his mouth. It was within minutes and we started seeing his skin reacting to the food allergen he was being tested for. As you can see from the picture above he had a few red bumps. The results were a lot better than the first time. Although he is highly allergic to peanuts and still has milk and wheat allergies. We were happy to receive some good news too! He was no longer allergic to eggs and soy. We are hopeful that in another year, he will be allergy free and we won't  have to worry about severe rashes, skin infections or our strict diet.

He was enjoying his first toast this morning! It is gluten free too :)
(He was being a stinker this morning and did not want any pictures :/

For now, we pray, hope and have faith that one day Laien will outgrow his allergies and be eczema free. It has been a rough year for Laien and our family. But we have learned so much in the midst of these challenges. I am so proud of him and very impressed at how strong and brave he is! With all the struggles he is facing, this energetic boy still amazes us with his growth and learning development. His eczema is still a hindrance to his daily life, but it is a lot better now then what it used to be like a couple of months ago. We are grateful for the power of prayer and priesthood blessings. There were times I felt like there was nothing we could do to help him. But it is through these trials I have been reminded repeatedly, 

"For with God nothing shall be impossible." (Luke 1:37)

This is my favorite picture of Christ healing the ten lepers. (Luke 17:15-19)

This story of Christ in the Bible about the ten lepers has given me the hope that Laien will be healed as we continue to have faith in Him. It has been a great reminder for me that what Laien has is temporary and he will one day defeat it with Christ. We are hopeful, we are happy and we are especially grateful for this learning experience that has strengthened our family. We are confident that the eczema struggles will soon cease and we can continue to live an enjoyable life full of joy and happiness :)

Monday, June 16, 2014

Must Be the One Jumpsuit

It was a beautiful day on Saturday and I wanted to wear something that would be comfortable, yet classy. I have always wanted a jumpsuit. Yeah, I like all kinds of style. I can never stick to just one since the fashion world is like riding a roller coaster. So it just kind of depends on what I am feeling that day. Then what I wear will be based on that! I am pretty sure I am not any different than most or maybe all the women out there. The very first jumpsuit that I saw and fell in love with was at Target. It was a black Mossimo Women's Rolled Sleeve Jumpsuit. 

The main reason why I fell in love with this jumpsuit is the sleeves. I get so frustrated with clothes now days because they are either sleeveless, too short, or you can see right through them. And I am always taken aback by the prices on these clothes. And I can't begin to understand how expensive it can be when it looks like a torn piece of garment. That is why I would rather shop for clothes at thrift stores or yard sales. It is only at these places where I have been able to find modest inexpensive clothes. The jumpsuit above was $29.99!!! There is no way I would spend that much on a pair of jumpsuit. I would rather spend that much for 4 of them and few other items. Haha! I am cheap, I know! It's funny that I say this. I wasn't like this 5+ years ago. Back then I could shop till I was broke. I also shopped for brand name clothes. And that explains it all! I would laugh inside when my husband makes a comment about my closet and the amount of clothes I have accumulated. He would also make remarks about my shopping spree. I remember one year a few days before my birthday he asked me what I would want besides clothes. I told him he asked the wrong question. He started shaking his head because he knew that it will never change. There are times I wish he would've just known how I was before. Because "honey, if I was who I was before, you would need five jobs! Be glad that I shop at thrift stores and yard sales for clothes!" Haha. Nah, Ethan is great! He actually find great surprises for me when he is out thrifting. I told him I wanted a Michael Kors purse and he got me a thrift store! But hey, I love it! It is an old Michael Kors handbag. I'll take it because it is old school, was cheap and I don't think I have seen anyone with the style of purse I have. So kudos to Ethan :D
Ethan continues to find me good stuff! He found my first jumpsuit outfit! Isn't he the greatest? Of course, it was bought at a thrift store. I have not worn it yet because I want to change it up a little. It is one of my DIY projects and I will post about it once I get it done. But remember the church yard sale I posted about a couple of weeks ago? Yeah, I found one there in one of my favorite color--BLUE! 

Here it is!!! Not the greatest pictures but I tried my best :)

It was so comfortable and I just put a black cardigan over it since I still need to make some changes on the sleeves. Guys, I am telling can find a lot of great clothes thrifting! So this jumpsuit probably cost me $0.05 since I filled a whole bag full of clothes for $2! This must be the one jumpsuit since I received a lot of great compliments about it :)

~Only in Ree's Closet~

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Cheaters Fried Ice Cream

Tonight we had the elder missionaries for dinner. I love when the missionaries visit our home. They fill our home with a substantial amount of love and will always leave us on a spiritual high. There are times I just wish I can have them in my home whole day! They are truly angels of the Lord here on earth spreading His good news for the welfare and happiness of His children. 
I find great pleasure in cooking for others, but when it comes to the missionaries I usually go all out. I decided to have a Taco Tuesday kind of night. I made tons of stuff and actually started prepping dinner at around 3 o'clock. I like to make it extra special for them since they are out doing a very important duty for the Lord. It was a wonderful dinner and we had an opportunity to get to know our missionaries. They are just little boys too! It is crazy how young they are now days. It just shows how valiant and courageous they are. I don't think I was that strong at eighteen or nineteen to do what they are doing. I did it at twenty-three years old and I remember I was so scared and felt very uncomfortable. But these missionaries are so firm and confident in what they do. I just LOVE them :) I invite you to have the missionaries over for dinner. You will love and enjoy their company.

So for dessert, I decided to try something NEW. Since we had Mexican food I wanted to keep it Mexican. I have tried a tiny piece of deep fried ice cream once in Utah at a Mexican Restaurant. I couldn't have a lot of it because of Laien's allergy, but I remembered it was delicious. Tonight, I made an attempt but I cheated a little. Instead of actually REALLY deep-frying the ice cream, I did something different. And thanks to Pinterest for the recipe. Following is the recipe for this mouthwatering dessert that will have you eat more than you would want. Trust me, it is so good that everyone went for seconds, except for Laien and I :(

~Cheater Fried Ice Cream~


  • 5 cups Corn Flakes Cereal
  • 1/2 cup Salted Butter
  • 2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
  • Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (firm enough to shape but just soft enough to scoop)
- Other Optional Ingredients for Toppings:
  • Chocolate Fudge Sauce* (Below is my recipe for a homemade Chocolate Syrup)
  • Honey/Caramel Sauce
  • Whipped Cream
  • Cherries, Strawberries, or Choice of Fruit for Garnish

  1. Pour Corn Flakes into a large freezer bag, seal and use  rolling pin to crush corn flakes.
  2. Melt butter in a non-stick big pan over medium heat.
  3. Once butter is melted, stir in crushed corn flakes and cinnamon and increase heat slightly.
  4. Cook mixture, stirring constantly until golden brown and fragrant (color will depend and begin to smell lightly toasty and own flakes should be crisp), about 2 minutes.
  5. Remove from heat, pour mixture in a shallow dish and allow to cool slightly.
  6. Scoop ice cream to your desired size and shape into a ball with clean hands. (It will be cold so work quickly)
  7. Drop the ice cream ball in the corn flake mixture and roll to evenly coat, while pressing corn flake mixture around outer surface for a thicket coating as desired. 
  8. Serve immediately with topped with your choice of toppings. (You can place in the freezer in an airtight container and chill until serving.)

*My Homemade Chocolate Syrup*

  • 1 cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
  • 2 cups Sugar
  • 1 cup Cold Water
  • 1/4 tsp. Salt
  • 1 tbs. Vanilla
  1. In a small saucepan, whisk together cocoa and sugar.
  2. Add water and salt and stir to mix.
  3. Heat mixture over medium heat until boiling.
  4. Continue to boil until mixture thickens, about 2-3 minutes.
  5. Remove from heat.
  6. Once sauce is cooled, add vanilla and stir to combine.

Drizzle the chocolate syrup and garnish it with your choice of fruit. I used frozen strawberry for this one and it was YUMMY :) 

My dessert was different from everyone. I had some of the frozen strawberries dipped in the chocolate syrup:) And it was HEAVEN!!! The frozen strawberries had this slushy texture to it and the chocolate was AMAZING:) 


*Stay tuned for more recipes. It is the sister missionaries turn tomorrow:) I am so excited and I am looking forward to it**

Monday, June 2, 2014

DIY Make-Up Remover

I like the idea of making my own household products such as laundry detergent, hand soap or cleaning supplies. I am not quiet there yet, but soon I will find the time to accomplish this goal of mine. In the meantime, I have managed to make my own make-up remover. I don't wear make-up every single day so it has lasted a while now. More importantly, it is cheap and very easy to make. This is just one of the many different ways to make your own make-up remover. Pinterest is a great site to look up Make-Up Remover DIY's.

Following are what you will need:

Put everything in a jar, cover jar and shake to mix everything together. 

Shake before each use. I usually dip a cotton ball and use it to scrub my face.

After using this DIY, my face was not only clean. It was so soft and smooth. I love that it is cost-effective, easy and does not have all kinds of chemicals in it. Here is a before and after picture:

 DIY Make-Up Remover

Deals from Thrift-ing!!!

As I mentioned it in one of my posts, our family loves to shop at thrift stores. We also like checking out garage/yard and estate sales. Our days out shopping for clothes or any other things we need, besides groceries are usually on Fridays and Saturdays. These are the days where we can find inexpensive items and the best deals! Others may sleep in on these days, but that to us is overrated. It's a day filled with lots of driving, snacks and fun! We also get to spend the whole day together as a family. Thrift--ing has become a family activity for us! Believe it or not, Laien loves it too!!! This past weekend we were out whole day on Friday and Saturday just hitting up yard sales and thrift stores. We found lots and lots of great deals and we were just so excited we did not want to stop. The weather here has also been so nice that it makes it even more enjoyable. There was a big church yard sale that we went to and I went crazy. I love church yard sales because you can fill up the trunk of your car and leave with your wallet still full. Saturday was the last day of the sale and they had to get rid of everything. You get as much paper bags you want and fill it up with whatever you can find for $2! YES!!! For $2 ONLY! I was able to pick out some cute skirts and dresses for the missionaries, bunch of clothes for Laien, and of course myself. Ethan also picked out some good stuff:) I had so much fun and I remember just going through racks after racks filling up my bags. We left with four full bags and spent a whopping $8 for what could have been at least $500+ worth of clothes. The following pictures are evidence of the great deals you can get from thrift stores and yard sales.

Clothes that I got for Laien. They have been washed and ready for him to wear :)

Laien on his dinosaur pajamas we got at the church yard sale. 

My Sunday outfit were all found at either thrift stores or yard sales. The sunglasses and shoes were what I found this past weekend. I just love how I am able to find some of the cutest clothes and I don't have to pay much!!! It becomes even more exciting when you find things you've always wanted but could never afford. Try it out! I think you will enjoy it too:) 

        • Tortoise Framed Sunglasses - $1.00 (Garage Sale)
        • J.Crew Wool Cardigan- $0.50 (Yard Sale)
        • Ana Ruffle Blouse- $1.99 (Savers- Utah)
        • Levi's Denim Skirt- $3.49 (Savers- Utah)
        • Charlotte Russe Peep Toe Heels $1.00 (Yard Sale)

~Only in Ree's Closet~