Sunday, May 11, 2014

Thankful for Mothers; Blessed Daughter; A Privileged Mom

As I was browsing through Facebook yesterday, I saw a lot of posts about Mother's Day. I received many great wishes from friends and family, which was very thoughtful of them. Not only did I feel so wonderful because I am part of the best group called "motherhood"-- I was touched by the many sweet and kind words expressed to the many mothers out there.

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring mothers and motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is an annual holiday celebrated on the second Sunday in May. I love that it is on a Sunday where we go to church to acknowledge our Father in heaven. Also to give Him thanks for the blessing it is to have amazing mothers. As a mother, I am thankful for the opportunity to hold this very sacred title.

A few of my Facebook friends shared this quote that I value a lot because of how truthful it is:

Mother [muhth-er] - noun

1. Someone who will love 
you unconditionally, till 
her last breath.

I love my MOM! I think she is the best mother I will ever know or have. And I am sure that is what we all say about our mothers. They are the BEST and no one can ever replace them. She is a woman of great faith and loves Heavenly Father with all her heart. Her testimony about the Savior is influential. She motivates me to be a better wife and mother. I am not sure where she found the patience to deal with me growing up, but for that and for many other reasons...I am thankful for her! She is the most humble woman I know and would be the first to reach out to those in need. I love having her around and appreciate all the things she has done for me and my family. Laien is so lucky to have her around. He loves her and enjoys every moment with her. This Mother's day is extra special because I get to share it with her :)

I am a very blessed gal to have another mother who I have grown to love and appreciate. I say a lot of amazing things about my husband because of a wonderful mother that taught him well. My mother-in law is the most sweetest lady I know and someone that I have come to trust and able to confide with. She is a great listener and I appreciate all the advice, love and kindness she has given me. I am one lucky woman to call her my mother in-law and truly honored to be a part of her family. I think of how blessed I am to have her be part of my life too, but even more fortunate that Laien has such a fantastic grandmother. 

Alma 56:47-48
Hey, I am a MOM too!!! And my sweet Ethan got me a very special gift that I was in heaven just reading it. It is a plaque that has all these wonderful qualities a mother has. Here is the picture:

This plaque describes a mother really well! It has been a great privilege to take the role of motherhood. I would never trade it for anything. I love it, I enjoy it, I live it...

This was not my only gift :) :) :) Can you tell I am getting more excited?! Ethan is the best husband and he knows me too well. I don't know if I have mentioned how much I love fashion. I guess I can claim the very popular phrase that's floating around, "Shopping is my Cardio". I love clothes, shoes, purses and any other accessories out there I can add unto my wardrobe collection. I have fun dressing up and trying out new fashion trend. A favorite trend of fashion I love and adore the most is vintage clothing. Although it could be very expensive or hard to find. Ethan and I thrift a lot. (I blame Ethan for sucking me into it) That is usually where we get our clothes, furniture and most of our stuff. We have lots of fun with it though. Most of our home furnitures were found at yard sales, thrift stores, or free stuff that we just pick up on the side of the road. So Ethan went out yesterday for several of hours hitting up yard sales and thrift stores. He came home with a great haul and had quite a few vintage dresses that were just my size! And he got a whole closet worth of vintage women clothing  plus a few men's clothing for $40...YES!!! I am not even kidding! But there was this one dress that I had my eyes on the whole time. It fitted me perfectly, was cleaned and ready for me to wear. So it became my church outfit today! I like how modest and pretty it is. Leonardo da Vinci once said, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." This quote describes this dress perfectly. Love Love Love how fitting it is, but most of all...IT'S VINTAGE!

Let me just make sure to give photo credit to my talented husband for the photo shoot he did today. 
So that this won't be considered copyrighted I might get in big trouble :-P

Church was uplifting and spirit filled. As I mentioned above, I love that Mother's Day is on a Sunday. Beautiful messages were said about mother's and the musical numbers moved me to tears. This will be my second Mother's Day. But it is this Mother's Day that I came to really understand the true meaning of motherhood and the blessing it is to have this role. We came home right after sacrament meeting because Laien was breaking out and was not very comfortable with the itching and dry skin. His eczema isn't getting any better :/ Ethan decided to give our lil' Laien a blessing. It was very special because it was just the three of us and the blessing was beautiful. So grateful that Ethan has the priesthood and because of his righteous desires we are truly blessed.

We also had the sister missionaries from our ward come over after church so one of the sisters could Skype her mom. They brought their sweet spirit along with mother's day card for me filled with encouraging and kind words. I had a chance to sit down and chat with the other sister who is from the Fiji Islands. She was able to tell me a little bit more about herself and her story. I was moved into tears for the courage and faith that she has. (Stay tuned for a future blog which I will be sharing a little about her...she gave me permission to do so. I am way excited!) I enjoyed their visit and was happy for the other sister who was able to see her family, hear from them and share her beautiful spirit with them. I am grateful I was given the opportunity to share my home with them this very special day. 

To sum it all up, today was a memorable day filled with lots of love, appreciation and an understanding of the importance of family. The emotions that I had were tears of gratitude, joy and cheerfulness. 

Ended the day with some sweet boxer lovin' from Raskullz :)

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