I have been off the hook for a few weeks now. July was a busy month for us and I have so many posts that I have started but have not quite finished. I think I have a few drafts that still needs to be published, one of them being our 4th of July fun! So stay tuned, I promise I will be publishing it soon. (Right after this one for sure!)
The week after the 4th we had a big yard sale and man, it was laborious and exhausting! Ha ha. Sorting out clothes, deciding what to keep and what to sell, moving boxes, cleaning and dealing with the clutter-- it was so much WORK! I have some kind of OCD when it comes to clutter and messes. It just annoys the heck out of me! Ethan gets a little irritated when I clean because it needs to be done right and in a certain way. But its just how I do things, you know? I am a lot better now that we have a 14 month old boy that loves creating clutter of toys and an energetic two year old dog that makes all kinds of messes. We had fun with our yard sale and Laien enjoyed being out in the garage playing and getting into whatever he can.
The Sign!
The last day. He was done!
Because he worked hard too :P
That Saturday night we cleaned up and got the house ready for visitors! Grandma Nancy and aunt Amelia drove into town that night for a few days. And Laien had so much fun. He loves being around people and would entertain you until it was nap or bed time.
Grandma brought me a Ninja Turtle
Chair and bought me a new outfit
while we were out thrifting ;)
Grandma also introduced a new
healthy snack:) It is our favorite now!
(They're addicting...I love 'em too)
Then it was time to say good-bye :(
Laien was giving tons of
kisses so Amelia could stay!
Happy Grandma & Grandson
Still smiling....
It was sad to see them leave and wished they could have stayed longer. We waved good bye as they drove away and walked back into a quiet lonely home. It has been about four months since the last time Laien had seen them. Laien had grown so much since then-- he is now mobile and can actually walk, talk and play.
He has been kicked out of our bed to
his own since he twirls, kicks and slaps
our faces with his back hand.
He really thinks his a Ninja Turtle :P
We took a trip down to Bear Lake Utah for the weekend a few weeks ago. Ethan loves to plan things last minute and take unexpected trips. And if you remember me admitting that I have OCD...I do not like being rushed last minute or wait around for someone to make a decision. It is one of my biggest pet peeve and it used to annoy the crap out of me. I am a little better at this now since I am married to someone that's the opposite of that. It still bugs me a little, but I try and deal with it! Anyways, Bear Lake was so much fun. Ethan has the greatest aunt and uncle that I have really grown to love and enjoy being around them. They have such a fun family and there is never a dull moment with them. We went to the "beach" (as they call it) or in the right term, the lake. And I am so mad at myself for not bringing my phone to take pictures of Laien. He sat on his turtle chair, with his turtle zippy cup all dressed up in his swim wear. He looked like a little man! He loved the water and it was just the right temperature for a hot sunny day. It was so fun and we're so glad we took this trip :)
He is such a great traveler.
He loved his hot dog from
Quick & Tasty!
And I got a special treat from Jill :D
My first gel nails and I love love love them!
Our family photo. (It was kind of dark, but
look at the beautiful background. Breathtaking!)
We wish we could have stayed longer. But it was nice to see the Draper's and enjoy Bear Lake. It was so sweet to meet Ms. Claira and for Laien to meet his new baby cousin. She was perfect! We stopped at Logan on our way down and met with the aunties. Laien was so happy to see Amelia and Andi. Again, I did not take any pictures :( But Laien had fun with his aunties he did not want to leave. He was crying and screaming and did not want to be strapped down in his car seat. It was time to go see grandma and spend some time with her. Again, Laien loved being around his grandma, great aunts and aunt Sarah. They played all day long while mom and dad went out and did some thrifting :)
Got to hang out with Nanna again :)
I have the sweetest boy!
Watching the planes fly by...
He had FUN on the trampoline
with aunt Sarah :D
And I bought me some gems at the D.I.
Let the reading begin!!!
For the third time that week, we had to say goodbye and it is just so hard. Wish we lived close so we can be around our family often. But we had to come back home...back to reality! We came home to our Raskullz who missed us dearly. Then the next few days I had some cleaning to do. It was nice that I was able to drop Laien with my mom at my sisters so I could get a lot done. Laien had fun with the girls! He went with the girls to school to do a tour of their new classroom and meet their teachers. And Laien acted like he owned that place. He was walking around the classroom climbing on chairs and touched everything he could get his hands on -_-
He had fun at the mall....in his lil green car!
Then aunt Zee had a photo shoot scheduled...
Meet our stud bud ;)
Love them so much <3
Helped Ashlee with her chore :D
Then it was time to have some FUN!
He liked the idea of splashing
the girls with water. But
was not happy at all when they
splashed him!
Oh it is crazy how much this baby has grown! As much as I love seeing him grow into this little boy, I am also saddened that he will be too big and not want any cuddles or snuggles with mom. He is no longer a little baby where I get to hold him in my arms all day long. He is a very smart lil' fellah! At times I wonder if he plans his own activities just to amuse us and our guests. He is great around people and we are grateful that he is just a happy baby. I am sure there are more exciting things to look forward too as he continues to grow. But for now, he loves anything that makes loud sounds-- cars, motorcycles, airplanes, etc. Anything that drives him to say, 'vrooooom vroooom vroooom!' Following are what he finds great enjoyment with:
Driving with dad!
He does not sit on his chair. He stands!
When I tell him to sit on his butt,
he sits down on the arm of the chair and
let his hands free. Our lil' daredevil!
He loves his skateboard. What he does
75% of his day.
We love every moment with this stud! He truly has brought us so much happiness. I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for sending such a precious blessing to us. We are grateful that he is part of our family and we LOVE this boy to the moon and back :D